Incorporating delegation poker into our selection process

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how to use delegation poker ( management 3.0 ) into a job interview
In most of the interviews I have been through, Ihave experienced first-hand a lack of preparation on behalf of the interviewers. There was no discussion of responsibilities or motivations, with little to no interest in me as a person, my goals, values, or interests. In many cases skills are evaluated by asking the candidate direct questions or by using a questionnaire with predefined questions. Is that what we want? A person with a set of skills regardless of one’s personal motivation, values, goals, and  interests? And what about responsibility? Let me tell you how we use Delegation Poker in our selection processes.

Delegation poker - Management 3.0

How do we use delegation poker in the selection process?

In our experience conducting interviews for various profiles, in addition to collecting feedback from our colleagues and the candidates themselves, we have realized that by only using the competency matrix we lacked an important ingredient, the responsibilities matrix with delegation levels for each profile. The idea is to talk about the responsibilities with the candidate and see what he thinks about them and at what level of delegation he feels most comfortable. If you want to know what this practice consists of, I encourage you to visit the management 3.0 page.

So we decided to introduce the Delegation Poker practice to talk to candidates about: What responsibilities does each profile entail? Our intention here is to have a conversation between the two parties, rather than simply having the interviewer define those responsibilities. Once the responsibilities are established, we move on to the skills needed to develop these responsibilities. This means that when we complete the candidate’s competence matrix, we go back to the delegation board to generate another conversation. We discuss clear responsibilities and the necessary skills, we talk about the delegation levels that the candidate considers appropriate. As a result we have an interesting conversation, one that elucidates the candidate’s abilities, including seeing them as they see themselves in these responsibilities. On the other hand, the candidate  can see what the organization expects from the role and the responsibilities linked to it.


Delegation Poker is groundbreaking, providing us with an educational element, clarifying the  responsibility that a profile can potentially have and relates it to the competency matrix I can affirm how powerful this practice is in our selection processes as it generates a conversation that gives us a lot of value to evaluate potential candidates. The challenging issue is that candidates are not accustomed to this and sometimes feel uncomfortable. In the end, we constantly inspect and adapt our selection process.

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Escrito por: Youssef Oufaska
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